

How Transformers are Constructed

Joseph Henry and Michael Faraday independently discovered that a changing current in an inductor would induce a current in a nearby inductor. Credit for this property, called mutual induction, has been given to Faraday. Modern transformers are constructed by winding two coils of wire, either next to each other or one on top of the other on a core made of either soft iron[1] or ferrite[2]. The soft iron concentrates the magnetic lines of flux in the transformer. This increases the efficiency.

Schematic Symbol

How Transformers Work

If you have electrical current flowing through an inductor (coil of wire, seeInductors in DC Circuits), there will be a magnetic field surrounding that inductor. Now put another inductor inside that magnetic field. If the current is DC, the magnetic field will be unchanging, and nothing special will happen. However, if the current changes, the magnetic field will become larger or smaller, so if you put AC in the inductor, you will get a constantly changing magnetic field. While the current is increasing, the magnetic field gets larger. As this field passes the second inductor, it will induce a current in that inductor. While the current is decreasing, the magnetic field will get smaller. As this field passes the second inductor (now moving in the opposite direction), it will induce a current in that conductor moving in the opposite direction. As the alternating current in the first inductor repeatedly reverses direction, another alternating current is induced in the second inductor. Even though the inductors are not in physical contact, the Alternating current in the first inductor induces AC in the second inductor. This isn't easy to illustrate with static pictures. However, the short video at the bottom of this page, though a bit dated, clearly explains mutual induction in transformers.,

The output voltage of a transformer is primarily determined by the ratio of turns of wire between the two inductors. For example, if the first inductor (the primary) has 1,000 turns and the second inductor (the secondary) has 100 turns, the voltage induced in the secondary will be 1/10 of the voltage in the primary. In this case, if the primary voltage is 120 volts, the secondary voltage will be 12 volts.

The output voltage of a transformer is primarily determined by the turns ratio. This transformer has a 10:1 turns ratio so the output voltage is 1/10 of the input voltage.

A transformer that has a secondary voltage that is less than the primary voltage is called a step-down transformer. The drop in voltage is not a loss of energy. While there is a step-down in voltage, there is a step-up in current. For example, if the secondary circuit has 12 volts and a load impedance of 100 ohms the current in the secondary will be 120 milliamps. However, the current in the primary will be only 12 milliamps. If you step up the voltage you step down the current; if you step down the voltage you step up the current. Notice that the load produces 1.44 watts of power (calculated by multiplying 12 volts by 0.012 amps). Also notice that the product of the voltage and current in the primary is also 1.44. However, it is improper to say that there are 1.44 watts of power in the primary because no power is produced by the transformer (except for undesirable losses). For this reason the term volt-amp is used instead of power to describe the product of volts and amps in the transformer. It is only the load of the circuit that produces power.

The voltamp calculation is the same for either side of the transformer. Gaining voltage from the primary to the secondary means you loose current to maintain the same voltamp quantity. Power is not produced until it is produced in the load (P = I2R), so it is improper to use watts to refer to the product of volts and amps in the windings.

The voltage in the secondary is determined by the combination of the voltage in the primary and the turns ratio. However, the current in the primary is determined by the current in the secondary. The effect of voltage goes from primary to secondary, but the effect of current goes from secondary to primary. In the above example the load is 100 ohms, so the secondary current is 120 mA. Since this is a 10:1 step down transformer the current in the primary is 12 mA (step down the voltage, step up the current). Now let's change the load to 200 ohms. The current in the secondary decreases to 60 mA. Therefore, the current in the primary drops to 6 mA (still 10 times the secondary current). If we remove the load entirely, making an open circuit on the secondary there will be no current in the secondary. Consequently there will be no current in the primary (except for losses, see Efficiency below). How can this be?

Recall from Inductors in DC Circuits that inductors resist changes in current. Since AC is constantly changing current the inductor will essentially block the current. A transformer primary, being an inductor will tend to have only a tiny current flow through it. When we complete the circuit on the secondary (by adding a load) we now have current in the secondary of the transformer. When you have current through an inductor you get a magnetic field around that inductor. Therefore, current in the primary causes a magnetic field around the primary which induces a current in the secondary which causes a magnetic field around the secondary. Get it? This magnetic field around the secondary inductor has the opposite polarity to the magnetic field in the primary, so it tends to cancel the primary's magnetic field. It's a complex interaction. The bottom line is that current in the secondary decreases the inductance of the primary causing the primary to conduct more current. To repeat, increasing the current in the secondary increases the current in the primary, so the effect of voltage goes from primary to secondary and the effect of current goes from secondary to primary (whew). In a well designed transformer there will be very little current flowing in the primary when there is no load on the secondary. When you load the secondary the primary current increases along with the secondary current.

Types of Transformers

Step-up / step-down

In a step-up transformer the secondary voltage is higher than the primary voltage; in a step-down transformer the secondary voltage is lower than the primary voltage. A step-up or step-down transformer can be reversed to perform the opposite function. Take the 10:1 step down transformer in the above example. If you put 12 volts AC into the secondary you will get 120 volts AC at the primary. However a transformer is usually optimized for only one operation, either step up or step down.


An isolation transformer has the same voltage on the secondary as on the primary. The primary and secondary may be optimized for the circuits they are intended to couple, but otherwise the primary and secondary are identical.

The a common purpose of an isolation transformer is to block direct current. Let's say you have a voltage that is repeatedly changing from 10 volts to 20 volts and back. It's a constantly changing voltage like AC, but never changes direction. What is it? It's a mixture of AC and DC. It's actually 15 volts DC with 10 volts peak-to-peak AC mixed with it. If you put this on the primary of an isolation transformer only the 10 volts of AC will be seen on the secondary. Can you get induction through a transformer if the primary current doesn't change direction? Sure you can. The magnetic field builds and collapses repeatedly so you still get a magnetic field that moves back and forth across the secondary. However, it is only the changes in the magnetic field that induce current in the secondary. Therefore, if the primary voltage oscillates between 10 and 20 volts the outcome is the same as if the primary voltage oscillated between -5 and +5 volts. Still a swing of 10 volts peak-to-peak.

Isolation transformers may also be used to isolate equipment from the power grid. This may be done to limit the current from the receptacle to the circuit. Let's say you have an isolation transformer connected to an 120 volt power outlet. Since the turns ratio is 1:1 the secondary will also have 120 volts. Now let's assume this is a fairly lightweight transformer and has an output impedance of 100 ohms [3] Now let's short circuit the secondary. If we were connected directly to the outlet we would get 15 to 20 amps of current, sparks, smoke and a tripped circuit breaker. With this isolation transformer we get 1.2 amps (120 V divided by 100 Ω). We have protected the building power delivery circuit from our circuit.

Isolation transformers that connect to the power grid may have a variable output. However, don’t mistake a Variac® (see autotransformer below) for an isolation transformer. A Variac®has a single inductor and does not provide isolation from the power grid.


A matching transformer is used to match the impedance between two circuits. This maximizes power transfer.

Tapped transformers

A tapped transformer

Transformers often have taps. These are connections to the coils at places other than at the ends of the coils.  The secondary may be tapped to provide multiple voltages. These may be center-tapped to give two equal voltages or may have various taps to give various voltages. Transformers may also be tapped on the primary to allow connection to different power grid standards. For example, the 120 volt standard used across North America may actually be anywhere from 114 volts to 126 volts, depending on local standards. It is not common for equipment to need to be so-closely matched to the local standards but such transformers are available for this situation. To match a transformer to widely varied standards, such as North America and Europe, multiple winding primary transformers (see below) are more common.

Multiple winding transformers

Some transformers have multiple primary or secondary windings. A typical multiple winding transformer may be designed to be used with either North American or European voltage standards. Here is an example:

A transformer with multiple primary windings.

This transformer can be wired in the following ways.

Primaries connected in series for the European standard.

Primaries connected in parallel for the North American standard.

When connecting multiple windings be sure to connect them with the proper polarity. There will be some indication on the transformer as to which end of each coil is which. They may be labeled with plus and minus signs, something like 0 and 120 (for 120 volt windings) or may just have color-coded wires with a diagram on the transformer indicating which color is which. You may have to go by the positions of the terminals as in the above diagrams. When connecting in parallel be sure to put plus to plus and minus to minus or equivalent. When connecting in series be sure to put plus to minus or equivalent. If you connect the windings incorrectly the magnetic fields will cancel each other and the transformer won't work. The transformer can also be damaged.

Transformers also come with multiple secondary windings that can be used the same way. Some multiple winding transformers are also combination step-up-step-down transformers. These were common in the days of vacuum tubes. Tubes often need 6 volts or 12 volts for the filaments plus 300 or more volts for the plates. Such transformers accommodate these needs. Tapped secondary windings (see above) are also used in such situations.


An autotransformer is a single coil that is tapped in such a way that the primary and secondary are different parts of the same coil. A Variac® is a brand name for an autotransformer with variable output. The ignition coil of a car is usually an autotransformer.

An autotransformer

Tesla coil

A Tesla coil, invented by Nicola Tesla, is a type of autotransformer that is driven by a resonant oscillator. Very high voltages and currents can be achieved with a Tesla coil.


Transformers are extremely efficient. However there are some losses.

Core losses

Core losses are caused by power consumed by the transformer core. These losses are caused by:


Hysteresis is the resistance of a material to change the polarity of its magnetism. With each oscillation of the transformer current, the polarity of the magnetic domains in the core are reversed. The hysteresis consumes power and produces heat.

Eddy currents

The transformer core is made of soft iron, which conducts electricity. Since this core is within the oscillating magnetic field, electric current will be induced in it. This current does nothing useful and produces heat. Transformer cores are usually made of laminated plates coated with enamel.

A laminated transformer core.

The enamel electrically insulates the layers of the core from each other, reducing the eddy currents.

Copper losses

Copper losses are mainly caused by the resistance of the wire that makes up the transformer. Copper losses can be reduced by increasing the diameter of the wire. If a transformer needs to transfer a high current, larger wire must be used to reduce copper losses. Consequently a larger iron core must also be used. Copper losses determine the output impedance and, therefore, the maximum output current of a transformer. When the current rating of a transformer is exceeded, copper losses cause a drop in voltage.


When discussing transformer theory we emphasize the turns ratio in determining the output voltage of a transformer. When buying transformers the turns ratio is not part of the specification. Transformers are specified by the input voltage and the output voltage. The maximum load is specified either by the secondary current or the voltamp (VA) capacity. For example, a common step-down power transformer for use in North America would be specified something like:

Primary voltage: 117 V
Secondary voltage: 12 V
Secondary current: 2 A

However, an identical transformer may be specified like:

Primary voltage: 117 V
Secondary voltage: 12 V
Maximum load: 24 VA

So, what's the difference? There is none. It is just a different way of specifying the current rating. The VA rating is simply the product of the secondary voltage and current, e.g. 12 volts times 2 amps equals 24 voltamps. You will get the same answer if you multiply the primary voltage by the primary current. This is useful if you need to know the primary current. This transformer will have a primary current of 205 mA (24 VA divided by 117 volts). Be careful not to mix your primary and secondary voltages and currents.


Isolation Transformers - Answers to Questions

Does Ohm's Law Apply to Transformers - Answers to Questions
1Soft iron is a ferrous alloy that does not retain magnetism after exposure to a magnetic field. The term ''soft'' has nothing to do with the physical hardness of the metal. Typically, silicon steel is used for the soft ''iron.''
2Ferrite is essentially a mixture of iron oxide and clay with small amounts of other metals.
3See Output Impedance in Thevenin's Theorem, Output Impedance and Input Impedance in DC Circuits