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Color printing uses the subtractive primary colors cyan, yellow, and magenta (CYM), used in other printed media, such as magazines. The colors are subtractive because the inks absorb specific colors and reflect others. If you mix the three subtractive primary colors, you get black because the three inks or toners absorb all colors of light.
Most printers, like printed media, mix a black image along with the color images to improve the contrast. The colors are often listed as CYMK, with K representing black to avoid confusion with B representing blue in the additive primary colors used with video displays.
When printing black printed text, most printers use black ink or toner. Although black can be created by mixing cyan, yellow, and magenta, it doesn't look as crisp as black ink or toner. Some printers will continue to work if the black cartridge or reservoir runs out, but many will not operate if any colors run out.
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